Brad Boone "The Blackheart"

From the shadows of Tombstone emerged a force of nature, a man who embodied the dark spirit of the Old West. "Blackheart" Brad Boone, heir to the infamous Clanton legacy, stepped into the ring not just to wrestle, but to rewrite history with brutal, unforgiving force.

Brad Boone "The Blackheart"
"In a world of rules, I am the reckoning."

Basic Information

  • Name: Brad Boone
  • Nickname: "The Blackheart"
  • Origin: Tombstone, AZ
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Weight: 255 lbs
  • Signature Move: The Widowmaker (devastating lariat)
  • Finishing Move: The Blackheart Lock (modified figure-four leglock)
  • Entrance Music: "Sam Hall" by Johnny Cash

Short Bio:

Brad Boone "The Blackheart" was the living embodiment of frontier justice in the GWA. A descendant of the infamous Clanton family, Boone carried the weight of his outlaw heritage with pride and menace. He entered the wrestling world not just to win matches, but to reclaim his family's notorious legacy. Boone's presence in the ring was that of a ruthless predator, methodically breaking down his opponents both physically and psychologically. His cold, calculating demeanor and brutal wrestling style made him one of the most feared and respected villains in the GWA.

Personality Traits:

  • Ruthless
  • Calculating
  • Intimidating
  • Proud of his heritage
  • Unforgiving


"Mercy's a luxury only the weak can afford."


Brad Boone cut an imposing figure at 6'5", with a lean, muscular build that spoke of raw power and endurance. His face was sharp and angular, with piercing steel-gray eyes that seemed to cut through opponents. A thick, black beard with streaks of silver framed his grim expression, while his jet-black hair was slicked back. Boone's ring attire consisted of black leather pants with silver conchos, adorned with blood-red stitching resembling bullet holes. He wore a wide, studded leather belt and black, steel-toed boots. A long black duster coat completed his outlaw image, which he dramatically shed before matches.

Fan Engagement


  • "In a world of rules, I am the reckoning."
  • "Mercy's a luxury only the weak can afford."
  • "The West may be gone, but its ghosts still walk."

Fan Interactions:

Fans both feared and respected Brad Boone "The Blackheart" . His intense presence and brutal in-ring style often left audiences in awe. Boone rarely engaged directly with fans, maintaining an air of dangerous aloofness. When he did interact, it was with disdain or thinly veiled threats, reinforcing his status as a formidable heel. Despite his villainous persona, many fans were drawn to Boone's raw charisma and the authenticity he brought to his outlaw character.