Dharma Bums

Meet The Dharma Bums, "Boxcar" Bo Bradley and Redwoods Carson blend Beatnik wisdom with rugged charm. Known for their technical prowess and philosophical musings, they captivate fans with their signature moves and deep connection. Ride the rails with the unforgettable Dharma Bums!

Dharma Bums
"Riding rails, seeking truth, dropping foes" was the Dharma Bums' mantra.

Basic Information

Team Name: The Dharma Bums

Members: "Boxcar" Bo Bradley and Redwoods Carson

Santa Fe Railroad Railways

Combined Weight: 490 lbs

Signature Move:
Boxcar Drop (Bo's high-flying elbow drop combined with Carson's Redwood Slam)

Finishing Move:
Dharma Crash (Carson lifts the opponent into a powerbomb position while Bo executes a flying clothesline)

Entrance Music: "Oh Well" by Fleetwood Mac


Short Bio:
The Dharma Bums, consisting of "Boxcar" Bo Bradley and Redwoods Carson, embody the free-spirited, counter-cultural ethos of the Beat Generation. After years of riding the rails and exploring the vast landscapes of Western America, they joined the GWA in 1961. Their in-ring style, characterized by technical mastery and innovative improvisation, quickly made them fan favorites. The Dharma Bums are known for their philosophical approach to wrestling, blending deep wisdom with rugged charm.



  • Philosophical
  • Charismatic
  • Resilient
  • Unpredictable
  • Compassionate


Dharma Bums took a more organic look later in their career (1983)

Bo Bradley is well-built and muscular, with thick, slightly wavy dark brown hair and a short, scruffy beard. He wears colorful rainbow trunks with railroad car designs. Redwoods Carson stands at 6'5" with a powerful build, slicked-back dark brown hair streaked with gray, and a short scruffy beard. He dons colorful attire featuring tree designs. Both wrestlers wear matching wristbands and exude a rugged, contemplative presence in the ring.

Fan Engagement

"The No. 1 Dharma Bum says Dharma Bums #1!"
"Riding rails, dropping foes, seeking truth!"

Fan Interactions:
Fans were captivated by the Dharma Bums' philosophical musings and rugged charm. Bo's unpredictable humor and Carson's deep wisdom resonated with the audience, creating a strong connection. They often engaged in thoughtful conversations with fans, blending entertainment with introspection, which endeared them to the GWA faithful and solidified their legacy as beloved wrestling icons.