"Lonestar" Lucy Grant

Meet "Lonestar" Lucy Grant, the trailblazing GWA Women's Champion from Silver Star Mesa Ranch, Texas. Known for her championship attitude, unwavering determination, and empowering presence, Lucy broke barriers and inspired fans with her grace, strength, and heartfelt patriotism.

"Lonestar" Lucy Grant
"Strength through grace, power through perseverance."

Basic Information

Character Name: Lucy Grant
Nickname: "Lonestar"
Origin: Silver Star Mesa Ranch, Texas
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Weight: 140 pounds
Signature Move: Lone Star Lariat
Finishing Move: Lone Star Splash
Entrance Music: "You're No Good" by Linda Ronstadt


Short Bio:
Lucy Grant, known as "Lonestar," hailed from the rugged plains of Texas, where she grew up on the Silver Star Mesa Ranch. Despite her exceptional skills in riding and shooting, she faced gender discrimination and yearned for equal opportunities. Her journey into professional wrestling was fueled by a desire to break barriers and inspire others. In 1963, she became the first GWA Women's Champion, embodying strength, grace, and determination.

Personality Traits:

  • Determined
  • Humble
  • Empowering
  • Patriotic
  • Graceful


The first GWA Women's Champion, Lonestar Grant.

Lucy wore a verdant green bodysuit adorned with gold accents along the seams and neckline. Her boots, also green with gold trim, provided both support and style. The GWA Women's Championship belt was often slung over her shoulder, its gold plate gleaming under the lights. She had deep blue eyes, a heart-shaped face, and chestnut brown hair cascading in loose waves. A faint scar above her left eyebrow added a touch of rugged authenticity to her polished look.

Fan Engagement


  • "Strength through grace, power through perseverance."
  • "In every heart lies the courage of a champion."
  • "Together, we rise above and break every barrier."

Fan Interactions:
Fans adored Lucy for her authenticity and strength. She often engaged with them through motivational speeches, encouraging them to pursue their dreams. Her approachable demeanor and genuine smile made her a beloved figure. In the ring, she acknowledged the crowd's support with a composed nod or a raised hand, further solidifying her connection with her audience. Fans saw her not just as a wrestler, but as a role model and a symbol of empowerment.