"The Technician" Thomas Reed

"The Technician" Thomas Reed
"I am the surgeon in a world of butchers," Reed claimed often during promos.


Hailing from the small city of Chilliwack in British Columbia, Canada, Thomas Reed's journey into the world of wrestling was born out of a childhood fascination with the art of grappling. Growing up, he would often be found practicing holds and maneuvers on his siblings and friends, honing his skills from a young age. As he grew older, Reed's passion for wrestling only intensified, leading him to seek out formal training in his hometown.

He spent countless hours in local gyms and wrestling schools, learning from seasoned veterans and perfecting his craft. Reed's dedication to mastering the technical aspects of wrestling set him apart from his peers, earning him a reputation as a prodigy in the making.

By the early 1960s, Reed had transformed himself into a well-oiled machine, with a deep understanding of submission techniques and a knack for exploiting his opponents' weaknesses. Armed with this knowledge and an unwavering determination to succeed, Reed set his sights on the bright lights of the professional wrestling world, ready to make his mark on a grander stage.

Rise to Fame in the GWA:

In the early 1960s, Thomas Reed made his debut in the Great Western Wrestling Alliance (GWA), a promotion known for its gritty, no-nonsense approach to the sport. From the moment he stepped into the ring, Reed's technical prowess and methodical style set him apart from the other wrestlers. He quickly earned a reputation as a force to be reckoned with, dispatching opponents with a combination of precision and ruthlessness that left audiences both awestruck and unnerved.

As Reed's star began to rise, the GWA took notice, recognizing the young Canadian as a valuable asset in their expansion plans. In 1968, the promotion introduced the GWA Canadian Championship, a title designed to showcase the best and brightest wrestlers from the Great White North. Reed, with his unparalleled skills and growing popularity, was the natural choice to become the inaugural champion.

GWA Canadian Championship belt

The title, represented by a stunning maple leaf-shaped gold plate adorned with the Canadian flag in enamel, became synonymous with Reed's dominance and his unwavering dedication to his homeland. As he defended the championship against all comers, Reed's matches became must-see events, drawing in fans from across Canada and cementing his status as a true wrestling icon.


"The Technician" Thomas Reed was a complex and multifaceted character, embodying a unique blend of technical brilliance, gritty determination, and an unwavering belief in his own superiority. In the ring, Reed exuded an aura of calm composure, his every move calculated and precise, a stark contrast to the explosive energy of many of his opponents. This unflappable demeanor, combined with his penchant for exploiting weaknesses and bending the rules to his advantage, earned him a reputation as a wrestler to be feared and respected in equal measure.

Outside the ring, Reed's arrogance and disdain for those he considered beneath him only served to further his image as a cold, calculating master of his craft. His sharp tongue and quick wit made him a formidable presence in interviews and promos, where he took great pleasure in belittling his opponents and dismissing the opinions of the masses.

As a member of the notorious Industrial Revolution stable, Reed found kindred spirits in his fellow wrestlers, all of whom shared his love for the darker, more ruthless side of the sport. Under the guidance of their manager, Ivan Petrovich "The Iron Fist", Reed and his stablemates became a force to be reckoned with, their matches often devolving into all-out brawls that pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable in the wrestling world.

Despite the controversy that often surrounded him, there was no denying the impact that "The Technician" Thomas Reed had on the GWA and the wrestling world as a whole. His unique blend of technical skill, psychological warfare, and unapologetic villainy made him a true original, a wrestler who commanded attention and respect, even as he reveled in the boos and jeers of the crowd.

Wrestling Style

In the squared circle, Thomas Reed's wrestling style was a thing of beauty, a perfect fusion of technical mastery and aggressive showmanship. Reed's arsenal was vast and varied, encompassing a wide range of moves designed to neutralize his opponents and showcase his own superiority. At the heart of his approach was a deep understanding of submission holds and counter-wrestling techniques. Reed had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of ways to contort and manipulate the human body, and he employed this knowledge with devastating effect.

His signature Maple Leaf Lock, a vicious submission hold that targeted the legs and lower back, became the stuff of legend in the GWA, with countless opponents tapping out to the excruciating pain it inflicted. Equally impressive was Reed's Northern Lights Suplex, a technically perfect maneuver that showcased his strength and precision, often leaving his opponents dazed and disoriented.

But Reed's technical prowess was only one aspect of his in-ring style. He was also a master of the brawling arts, able to trade punches and elbows with the best of them. His Chilliwack Chokehold, a vicious submission maneuver that incorporated elements of dirty fighting like eye gouges and throat strikes, was a testament to his willingness to do whatever it took to win.

Perhaps the most feared weapon in Reed's arsenal was his devastating Industrial Strength finishing move. This brutal combination of strikes and precision submission holds was designed to utterly destroy an opponent, leaving them with no choice but to submit or risk serious injury. It was a move that encapsulated everything that made "The Technician" Thomas Reed such a formidable force in the ring: his technical mastery, his ruthless aggression, and his unwavering commitment to victory at any cost.

In the end, Reed's matches were not just displays of athletic prowess; they were masterclasses in the art of wrestling, showcasing the endless possibilities that arose when skill, intelligence, and a willingness to push the boundaries of what was acceptable collided in the heat of battle.


Reed early in his career

Thomas Reed's physical appearance was a reflection of his approach to wrestling: lean, mean, and meticulously crafted. His body was a testament to years of rigorous training and conditioning, with every muscle honed to perfection. Reed's physique was not that of a hulking powerhouse, but rather that of a finely tuned machine, built for speed, agility, and precision.

His dark hair was always slicked back, giving him a sleek, almost predatory look. Reed's eyes were cold and calculating, conveying a sense of intelligence and ruthlessness that set him apart from many of his peers. His face was sometimes adorned with a neatly trimmed goatee, adding to his aura of sophistication and control.

When Reed stepped into the ring, he was a vision in black and red. His wrestling trunks were a deep, midnight black, accented with red maple leaves on the sides, a nod to his Canadian heritage. His boots, also black, were polished to a high shine, reflecting the lights of the arena as he moved around the ring. Reed's wrists were often taped, a practical measure that also served to highlight his technical expertise.

Around his waist, Reed wore a simple black belt, a stark contrast to the flashy, oversized belts favored by many of his contemporaries. This understated accessory was a reflection of Reed's no-nonsense approach to his craft, a subtle reminder that he was here to wrestle, not to put on a show.

Perhaps the most striking aspect of Reed's appearance was the way he carried himself. His posture was always perfect, his movements fluid and precise. There was a sense of coiled energy about him, a feeling that he was always ready to strike, to exploit any weakness he saw in his opponents. This aura of controlled aggression, combined with his impeccable technical skills, made Reed a truly intimidating presence in the ring, a man who commanded respect and fear in equal measure.

Ring Entrance

As the lights in the arena dimmed and the opening notes of The Guess Who's "No Time" filled the air, a sense of anticipation gripped the crowd. They knew what was coming, but that did not make it any less impressive. A single spotlight pierced the darkness, illuminating the entrance ramp, and then he appeared: "The Technician" Thomas Reed, in all his cold, calculated glory.

Reed walked with a slow, deliberate stride, his face an impassive mask. He seemed almost oblivious to the boos and jeers that rained down upon him from the stands, his focus entirely on the ring and the battle that awaited him. As he made his way down the ramp, the spotlight followed him, casting long shadows across the arena floor. Reed's black and red ring attire seemed to absorb the light, making him appear almost like a figure cut out of the very fabric of darkness itself.

Halfway down the ramp, Reed paused, his eyes scanning the crowd with a mixture of disdain and amusement. He raised a single hand, pointing at a random fan, as if to say, "You, you're next." The gesture was met with a fresh wave of boos, but Reed simply smirked, reveling in the hatred directed his way.

As he reached the ring, Reed ascended the steps with a slow, methodical precision. He paused at the top, surveying the crowd once more, before stepping through the ropes and into his domain. Once inside, Reed began his pre-match ritual, meticulously removing his entrance robe and folding it with care. He handed the garment to a ringside attendant, never taking his eyes off his opponent across the ring.

As the referee called for the bell, Reed settled into his trademark stance, his body coiled and ready to strike. The crowd may have hated him, but they could not deny the aura of power and control that emanated from "The Technician" Thomas Reed. In that moment, as the opening notes of "No Time" faded away and the roar of the crowd reached a fever pitch, one thing was clear: Thomas Reed was here to do what he did best, to use his skill, his cunning, and his ruthless determination to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.


"The Technician" Thomas Reed is a wrestler who embodies the art of technical wrestling. His ability to adapt to any opponent and his relentless pursuit of victory make him a legend in the GWA. Despite his despised tactics and heel persona, Reed's matches are celebrated as masterclasses in technical wrestling, earning him both respect and revulsion from fans and fellow wrestlers alike. His tenure in the GWA, marked by his Canadian Championship reign and his role in iconic matches like the "And-The-Horse-You-Rode-In-On" lumberjack match at Showdown Spectacle '76, cements his place in wrestling history.